Timmins and District Victim Services
We can help in a variety of situation. Some examples are:
Sudden Death / Suicide
Death Notification
Stalking & Harassment
Elder Abuse
Internet Crime
Hate Crimes
Threatened Suicide
Traffic Collisions
Boating or Snowmobiling Collisions
Multi-casualty Occurrences
Missing Persons
Break & Enter
Property Crime
Personal Crisis
Community Disaster
IF You or Someone you know may be in an abusive relationship, please call TDVS for support and information or check our resource listing for additional resources and support services.
What Can I Expect from Victim Services?
Non-judgmental support
Well-trained, crisis responders
Immediate 24/7 support available at your home, or other safe location
Practical help in managing the crisis
Extensive information about resources and community services
In general, we offer:
Confidential, non-judgmental crisis support and practical assistance
On-site support - at the time of the incident - to someone who has experienced a crime, tragic life event, or community disaster - at the time of the incident - we are there for 5 minutes or 5 hours - however long we are needed
We offer follow up contact to check in with the individual a few days later to see how they are doing and if we can be of any further assistance
We also offer short term support over the telephone during office hours - this can be requested by the community at large, without a referral
Because we are a short term crisis response program, we also offer referrals to existing community agencies for longer term support
We provide support to friends and family members of someone who has been victimized by crime or tragedy and in order to provide a better understanding of what their loved one may be going through
We provide public education and awareness on related issues
It is important to note that our service is free to all residents of Timmins and District and it is based on consent
Some Ideas to Help Get me Through
I need to remember that I am having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation
It is okay to talk about what happened and ask for help
This is not a time for me to make any big life changes
I will try and take care of myself including eating well, physical exercise and water.