The following links are provided to those experiencing crimes or tragedies and the general public. We hope these links will provide additional information and assistance on victimization issues.
Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this section is accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive. Victim Services cannot assume liability resulting from information provided by these links.
- Home | Bereaved Families of Ontario
- CPOMC | Canadian Parents of Murdered Children and Survivors of Homicide Victims
- Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, Stop Abuse, Restore Respect
- Programs and Services for Victims of Crime - Ministry of the Attorney General
- Boost For Kids | Giving Kids A Lift When They Need It Most
- Home - Centre for Suicide Prevention
- MADD Canada – Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD Canada)
- The Canadian Centre To End Human Trafficking
- Your Legal Rights Main - CLEO Connect
- Chrysalis Anti-Human Trafficking Network - HOME
- What is Nursing Home Abuse? Types, Causes & Warning Signs
- Bereavement Overload Guide: Managing Compounded Grief (retireguide.com)